Friday, 18 July 2008

And there it was gone.

Yes, after 6 years of PhD and 1 year doing a masters prior to that, the debacle of Standard Life bank and it's years salary in 1 month to make him stay is finally over.

No suggestions to do another course.......

Front and back

Where did you get that hat, where did you get that hat?!!

The Graduand Graduating

The Wylies at their best...?

The morning after the night before

Monday, 14 July 2008


So we went to Hampstead Heath for our annual picnic on Saturday and it was actually warm (ish) and sunny! There wasn't a drop of rain until the journey home which seems to make it fourth time lucky! Anyway, we had a lovely time, the children played beautifully, the Dads played, well, ok, for them, and the girls chatted hard! A lovely walk around the heath, stopping off for some culture while we listened to some famous orchestra rehearse for the evening's performance.

We (Nick) broke up the concrete patio on Sunday and loaded it on to the skip while I busied myself doing cooking, clearing, prep for the weeks events while the girls played in the paddling pool (shock, horror!).

And today we went to Jessica's Family Fun Day (AKA "Sports Day where we have no winners or losers"). She was perpetually daydreaming/staring at other folk, not listening to instructions but bouncing, not remembering instructions that she didn't listen to! It was marvellous - I loved it. Roll on next year!

That's about it for this week. Nothing exciting happening tomorrow - Oh, except Nick gets a piece of paper telling him he's a Doctor ("not a real one Daddy").

More later.......

I'm so excited...


... on the...


Ice Creams and Muddled Families

Instruments of the Orchestra

Hampstead Heath

Peek A Boo!

Concrete Patio R.I.P.

And I just can't hide it...

Family Fun Day #1

Family Fun Day #2

Family Fun Day #3

Monday, 7 July 2008

Round up

Ok so for the past two weeks we've been busy but the camera didn't come out much! We've had a visit from the Gaskells which was very lovely if not a little early for the Wylies - we're not really in to 5:45am starts but we can forgive ..... it just takes time!!!!

We then had a Foundation and Key Stage 1 performance of The Litter Muncher to view. Jessica had a minimal role but did it with vim and vigour! Mrs Richardson (Anne - a colleague of mine who teaches Jess Music) said that she's a great singer, knows all the words, just forgets to do the actions sometimes. But then she ought to be a good singer....... I'd be laughed out of staff meetings otherwise!

And finally this weekend we had a visit from the Gillis'. A slightly tired bunch but they didn't let that stop them having a stroll to the pub at Hunningham (dodging the rain, and the cow pats - luckily!) and some heavy duty playing. We all watched the tennis last night (very exciting!) and they left after school drop off this morning.

So it's back to the humdrum for a bit.... a picnic this weekend and then next Tuesday, the small matter of a graduation and shin-dig afterwards...... Blogging a plenty next week (when I've fionished being hung-over!), you wait with baited breath!


The Lesser Spotted Blogger!

The Fair

The Litter Muncher