when you make a NEW Year's Resolution over a week before New Year!!! I do actually have lots of excises as to why I've already broken it (one of which being that I don't believe in them anyway but that's by the by!), but that's exactly what they are.... excuses.
So, Christmas came and went and despite Jessica's horrendous bout of sickness
et al (which she duly passed on to Maddy by Boxing Day!) a good time was had by all. The girls are very much enjoying their booty (a hasty but heartfelt thanks to all who've contributed to that - the Thank you cards are in the
pipeline, unfortunately there's a blockage, but they will happen!!!!) now that they have recovered and are up to speed, and Nick and I are steadily becoming more and more competitive with each other. My achieving pro status in bowling after only about 5 days apparently didn't go down well. Anyway, crashing on.... We went and did the village bit by going to church on Xmas Eve which was actually
ok (says the heathen) and then a meal at the pub helped with organisation and prep. When we got home the girls put down the reindeer dust and requisite bribes for the Old F.C. and went to bed, fairly excited but managed to get to sleep relatively quickly. Then the presents arrived (a little offensive if I'm honest but very good fun to open!) and filled the lounge so we all had to go to bed!
Will woke us up at around 6
ish, but the girls did as told and came in at 7:01! Very impressive - they are good. Then the festivities commenced. We had presents breakfast, presents, lunch, presents, Pete, Court, Will and Sam beat a hasty retreat and the girls had tea and collapsed!
Boxing Day was a bit uneventful as Madeline started the bug and just wanted to lay in bed all day. The others went for a crisp wintry walk and I babysat, then we played on the
Wii and Grandparents went home. Girls collapsed again!
The following day Nana and
Grampy came to see us.
Grampy got straight into the "Big Girls Lego" activities, Madeline insisted she was still poorly and only just managed to get dressed (she so takes after her mother!) but played a little bit. Obviously N and G had jobs to do while they were here.... put up Jessica's bunk bed tent, sort out the curtains etc, etc. But we did allow them to stop for food and drinks occasionally and we even treated them to watching Memoirs of a Geisha with us!
Monday we went to see Beck in her new pad... all VERY nice and we had a lovely time, chatting, painting nails, a walk to the park, late tea and another part sleepover (the girls love this. Going to bed in
someones house, then lifted and taken home. It's the simple things!) which allowed for adult dinner. Yum!
We then had to prep for New Year which was also good fun - we had a slightly smaller house full as Emma-Jane, Sean and Eva had to cancel due to a scary skin infection -
eeek. Despite that I think even Allison enjoyed it despite the hideous alcohol free wine and general exhaustion of pregnancy. No park tripos because by the time the kids were going stir crazy it was dark and the Dad's were on their way back (phew!). Lots of
Wii -
ing ensued and a quick game of Mr & Mrs through dinner which obviously had one couple who were totally incompatible - answers on a postcard!!!!
And that was the holidays so we then got back to normal (except I'm now in eldest child's birthday fever and should be organising party bags and pass the parcel RIGHT NOW!!!). And on that hasty note I'm off to Hawkins for a thousand and one pieces of
expensive junk for other peoples houses. Hurrah! Photos will follow asap!