Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Mid-week update? Well I never!

But we've finally had the garden done! Looks nice doesn't it?!!!



Saturday, 21 February 2009

Quick catch up...

because it's taken ages to put all the photos on!

Jess had a party and I forgot to update, Jess turned 6 and I forgot to update, Grandma had a birthday and I forgot to update, it snowed and I forgot to update, and then last weekend Debs & Andrzej got married.

There you go! I didn't update quickly but there's lots of photos. I just like to get you all wound up and desperate for more photos.... trying to create dramatic tension you see. Nothing wrong with a bit of anticipation in life is there?!!!!

Debs & Andrzej got married!

The cast - part 1

The cast - part 2

I'm the Fascinator, twisted fascinator.....
(Nick sang this all the way home on the train!)

First sights

Post-ceremony cuddles

Jaunty angle (Nick)

The Paps + wedding co-ordinator!

Champagne giggles

Snowy days off school

Faster than a speeding bullet #1

Faster than a speeding bullet #2

Biggest snowball EVER!

In progess #1

In progress #2

The finished articles

Mummy was given a peaceful and quiet lie in....

Somebody invaded!

Grandma's Birthday

Jessica's 6th Birthday


I can read!

The Masterpiece?

Cousins up to mischief #1

Cousins up to mischief #2

Jessica's 6th Birthday Party


Which number are we? (Must be together!)

Facing the disco mecca

Incessant poll taking!