Monday, 14 July 2008


So we went to Hampstead Heath for our annual picnic on Saturday and it was actually warm (ish) and sunny! There wasn't a drop of rain until the journey home which seems to make it fourth time lucky! Anyway, we had a lovely time, the children played beautifully, the Dads played, well, ok, for them, and the girls chatted hard! A lovely walk around the heath, stopping off for some culture while we listened to some famous orchestra rehearse for the evening's performance.

We (Nick) broke up the concrete patio on Sunday and loaded it on to the skip while I busied myself doing cooking, clearing, prep for the weeks events while the girls played in the paddling pool (shock, horror!).

And today we went to Jessica's Family Fun Day (AKA "Sports Day where we have no winners or losers"). She was perpetually daydreaming/staring at other folk, not listening to instructions but bouncing, not remembering instructions that she didn't listen to! It was marvellous - I loved it. Roll on next year!

That's about it for this week. Nothing exciting happening tomorrow - Oh, except Nick gets a piece of paper telling him he's a Doctor ("not a real one Daddy").

More later.......

1 comment:

Janet Gillis said...

Where are the photos of the Doctor in the house?