Monday, 9 June 2008

Goodness gracious!

It's been quite a while, so what have we been doing?

On May 1st we exchanged contracts and the following day we upped and left Valley Road. It's taken us a while to get settled, we got rid of the boxes quite quickly but you know me, I have to move everything around at least four times before moving to original position, content that that is the best place!

So we're in, but 6 days after we move, Courtney decides to spit out her baby! A beautiful little boy called William Robert. The girls were bowled over (it's quite a while since they saw a 3 day old baby) and proceeded to mither him loads, that is in between showing us their own brand of precociousness! Courtney looked well considering her house was packed to the rafters and Pete seemed to be in his element. Thank you for putting up with us guys!

We also went to see Joseph and his amazing technicolour dreamcoat.... SPECTACULAR! (But I am slightly biased as you will gather!). We went on the train with Grandma and Grandad, had a picnic, watched the show, ate and came home - not a drop of the forecasted showers which was a relief since we decided not to go prepared! Thank you anyway, Grandad. We loved it!

We've had a few visitors as you'd imagine, varying gaggles of women with small (and slightly bigger) children, all of whom have made the right noises. Also John, Lucy, Ella and Thomas came up Day 3 of living here. Check John's blog for facetious comments about electricity thingies! Pete and Courtney ventured up with Will this weekend for more mithering. Will needs to develop some tactics pretty quickly or he'll be smothered - I think the odd puke would encourage them to keep their distance.. lovely!

The final thing to share is that Jessica and Madeline both performed in a gala concert thingy with their ballet school last night. Maddy was a teddy in the Teddy Bear's Picnic and was a joy to watch. I felt so proud of her - my eyes were quite watery but I'm sure it was residue hayfever (who'd live in the country eh?). Then Jessica performed as a fairy, not having totally recovered from the previous bout of hayfever, it returned with a vengeance.... must remember to take more piriton next time!!

So that's it - well I've probably missed loads out but it's not intentional, six weeks is a long time you know!

See ya!


Circuits@Buckingham said...

such a good name for a boy.....

Billy Bob!!

I'm so jealous!!!

Kevin Havelock said...

Not sure if the last comment posted - so here it is again. Like the new pad!